Tips & tricks on how to improve secure collaboration along with news & updates about G Suite & the Google Cloud Platform

As G Suite gains traction in the en...

Google's G Suite business is building up some decent forward momentum among big business clients. G Suite use has dramatically increased in the previous year among enormous business clients. Today, there are multiple million paying organizations that utilization G Suite. G...

Simplifying Google Drive’s folder...

The G Suite group has been endeavoring to make it more straightforward to coordinate and share content in Google Drive,...

Google Keep replacing Assistant Not...

Google Assistant’s legacy note and list system, including the Shopping List, is stuff replaced by Google Keep with a migration...

Google Keep rolls out text formatti...

Over a year without we first spotted work on the feature, Google Keep for Android is finally rolling out the...

Microsoft introduces cloud-native a...

Microsoft has unveiled Radius, an open-source, cloud-native application platform that enables developers, IT teams, and platform engineers to collaborate on...